Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rutgers Evolution Journal Club news: Meteors May Have Brought Vitamin B To Earth

In this week's Rutgers Evolution Journal Club weekly news:

Meteors May Have Brought Vitamin B To Earth

Did life here begin...out there? We don't yet know and may never.
But there is compelling evidence that I might not be sitting here
writing this today, or you reading it, if not for meteorite-enabled
distribution of a simple vitamin billions of years ago.

Scientists funded by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center have found
vitamin B3, a.k.a. niacin, in a group of eight ancient, carbon-rich
meteorites. And the more pristine a meteorite is, the more B3 it contains.

Link to full text:

(posted by):
Dr. Lena Struwe | Associate Professor & Director, Chrysler Herbarium | Rutgers University |
Dept of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources | Dept of Plant Biology and Pathology

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