Friday, October 29, 2010

Bioinformaticist researcher position- Rutgers

(from EvolDir)
A Bioinformaticist is sought to join the lab of Debashish Bhattacharya
( at Rutgers University as a full-time staff
Laboratory Researcher IV. Applications must be filed in the Rutgers
University job page (
). The Bioinformaticist will perform analysis of genome data using
existing computational tools and interpretation and presentation of
data and results to supervisor and other lab members. The
Bioinformaticist will train other lab members in use of specialized
tools for genome research, contribute to manuscript and grant
preparation, generate a genome database, and must have some ability
with scripting languages to build and maintain bioinformatic
pipelines. This position requires a bachelor's degree in a biological
science or an equivalent combination of education and/or experience.
The candidate must have experience with genome assembly software and
downstream analyses such as functional annotation, phylogenetics, and
comparative genomics. Prior knowledge of evolutionary biology and
molecular evolution at the college level is required. Experience in
building, operating, and maintaining high performance computer
clusters for biological research is highly desirable, as is prior
research experience.

Thank you for posting.

Alison Cariveau

Bhattacharya Lab
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
101 Foran Hall, 59 Dudley Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
732-932-8165 x170 or 970-218-8837 or 732-932-9632

Alison Cariveau

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