Dear all,
Mark the date(s):
The first *Journal Club in Evolution (aka Advanced Evolution) of the
semester will be held on Monday Sept 13 in room 262 in Foran Hall on
Cook Campus from 2:15 - 3:35 PM. *We will meet every Monday after that
at the same time and place.
The first meeting will be to familiarize ourselves with each others
research in evolution, research plans, and a discussion on which topics
that you want to be covered during the fall session of journal club.
Bring a topic wishlist and suggested papers for discussion.
Journal Club is held once a week by Karl Kjer and myself on Cook Campus
and is for graduate students, faculty, postdocs and advanced
undergrads. We read and discuss recent and classic research papers in
organismal evolution, have demonstrations of new methodologies and
software, graduate research presentations, and anything else that the
group decides focusing on evolution. Journal Club is open to everybody,
so you can attend as often or seldom as you wish (unless you are signed
up for credit).
All announcements for Journal Club is sent out through the *Evolution
Mailing List at Rutgers*. You can sign up for the mailing list here:
This will also give you up-to-date information about other evolutionary
events and information at Rutgers University.
With best wishes,
Lena Struwe & Karl Kjer
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