Monday, October 28, 2013

EvolDir: post in Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard

EvolDir: post in Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard
Title:  Open-Rank Professorship in Human Biology and Physiology

School: Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University

The Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University
is seeking to make one or more full-time appointments at either the
tenure-track or tenured level in human biology and physiology. This
area includes any aspect of physiology such as energetics, nutrition,
the microbiome, disease ecology, life history, and evolutionary
medicine. Applicants' interests should be explicitly related to human
evolution, and we encourage candidates whose research integrates
laboratory and field components. The appointment could begin as early
as July 1, 2014.

Basic Qualification: Doctorate in Anthropology, Biology or related
discipline required by expected start date.

Additional Qualifications: The Department administers a large and
successful undergraduate concentration in Human Evolutionary Biology,
hence excellence in undergraduate teaching is a priority. A strong
research program, including the ability to offer graduate courses, is
also expected. Our Doctoral program stresses integration of laboratory
and field research and the cooperative training and mentoring of PhD

Special Instructions:  For tenure-track appointment, please go to to apply.

For tenured appointment, please go to to apply.

Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2013.

Harvard is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Applications
from women and minorities are strongly encouraged.

Letters of nomination from third parties are also welcome.

Contact Information:  Address enquiries to Professor Peter Ellison,
Search Committee Chair, Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard
University, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA, or by e-mail
to Meg Lynch (

(keywords: assistant professor, faculty, instructor, tenure track, Boston,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, MA, Northeast, New England, physiology,
nutrition, physiological ecology, life history, human biology,
evolutionary medicine, microbiome)

"Lynch, Margaret" <>

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